Box to Nature — An Industry-Wide Recycling Program
We are proud to announce our participation in the Paper and Packaging Board’s consumer focused residential recycling program, Box to Nature. The program centers around a graphic which puts an instructional message front and center to showcase the important reminder to recycle in three easy steps: empty, flatten and recycle. We have joined this industry-wide recycling effort to encourage our customers to place the graphic on their boxes helping to educate consumers and get more fiber back.
Helping the Planet and Our Industry All at Once
It is estimated that only 40% of ecommerce boxes shipped to consumers are recovered for recycling. While consumers want to make more conscious sustainability choices, 2 in 3 confess they do not always recycle. Box to Nature gives the industry and our ecommerce customers the opportunity to help make a difference in getting fiber back to make more boxes and show consumers that they are part of the solution.
Learn more about the program at or reach out to