Background: Originally from Atlanta, and raised in Hagerstown, Chris pursued his education at Goretti High School before furthering his studies...
Packaging Services Industries (referred to as PSI or PSI Group) consists of three corporations. Packaging Services of Maryland Inc. was formed in 1976 and is located in Williamsport, MD. It consists of 282,000 square feet of work space and serves as the corporate headquarters for PSI Group.
PSI has grown through the years to its current position of being a dominant force in the corrugated box marketplace for the Mid-Atlantic region. PSI credits its growth to product innovation, exceptional customer service, product quality, state of the art equipment, involved employees and on-time delivery capabilities. PSI has uniquely positioned itself for the 21st century. The workforce totaling approximately 400, is stable and skilled, providing a quality product and a high level of service.
Background: Originally from Atlanta, and raised in Hagerstown, Chris pursued his education at Goretti High School before furthering his studies...